October 22, 2024
How Different Cultures Spend Their Lunch Time?

You ever wondered how different cultures around the world view time? Or at least spend their lunchtime? The world is what it is because we are one people grouped in diverse and fascinating cultures and locations around it. And while we have the universal meal schedules adhered to by many – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – lunchtimes look different in many parts of the world. And that’s from how it is taken, when, and its importance. Discovering the beauty in our diversity isn’t rocket science either. You can have a firsthand experience traveling across the world to witness cross cultures or have a clue through the internet about the types of foods and the habits associated with lunchtimes across the globe. With that in mind, let’s look at sample cultures on how people spend their lunchtimes, including what they eat.


There is no universal time that alerts everyone on when lunch should start. But for the French, lunch begins as early as 11:00 a.m. That’s the time when you can walk into a restaurant and get a serving of ready meals for lunch. And while lunch in countries like Kenya is signaled at the stroke of 1:00 p.m, it is a totally different scenario in France. Meaning, you will hardly find an open restaurant for a lunch meal beyond 1:00 p.m in France.


If you hadn’t had before, then it is time you understood Indians have stuck to the tradition and still eat with hands – no spoons. This is an ancient practice, but it still happens in Indian restaurants, even those on high-end or affluent streets. Most argue that it is so because, with hand, you have the unmatched ability to mix the curries to your desired taste – in a personal way. And that’s not all. Many urban Indians living in India or abroad still maintain the practice. So, all they do is wash their hands thoroughly and take lunch, which, to them, is the most important meal of the day.


The Australian lunch hour runs between 12pm and 2pm. Like the U.S., Australians often enjoy sandwiches and salads for lunch. Aside from the commonly served sandwiches, some more specialty items may include vegemite, a burger with beetroot, or some shrimp on the barbie. Australians love their local water holes, nothing like some fish and chips and a cold fosters beer. Locals love their local spots, that’s why many find themselves having lunch at Mudbar restaurante in Launceston during the week and on the weekends.


Like India, Russians eat lunch as the most important meal of the day, and wait, it stretches up to 3:00 p.m. Their breakfasts and dinners consist of relatively light meals, including meats, simple pieces of bread, or vegetables. Unlike most parts of the world, Russian tea is served later after dinner.


China’s use of chopsticks is pretty widely known, but it is one of those things that are easier said than done. Eating with those two pairs of sticks requires practice. First, you have to learn to hold them properly, and not like you hold a pencil.

Lets Eat

Lunchtime, or at least time, is seen differently as you get to know the Middle East, Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, and the United States. Some countries, especially in Europe and the U.S, sanctify time and treat it like religion. The general view is that time wasted is catastrophic to the achievement of certain dreams, which is why it is common for people to grab snacks and sit at the workplace desk.